About Us

Ullico Select: It's For Us

The mission of Ullico Select is to provide unique insurance products that protect and empower union workers and their families. Our products are underwritten by select partners and The Union Labor Life Insurance Company, a division of Ullico, America’s only labor-owned insurance and investment company.

With over 95 years of experience, Union Labor Life is the trusted union-member partner. From the union hall to jobsites and all the way to the union member’s home, we understand the member’s specific needs.

Our values define us. We are driven by an unwavering belief that solidarity, collective bargaining, and economic and social justice can shape a better future. We are committed to the integrity and superiority of our products, and to fostering long-term relationships, personalized service, and expert guidance. Wherever union workers are, Ullico Select is on the job. It’s for us – all of us!

Our Team